Additional services for asian employers

Asian recruitment just got easier

for asian employers

Asian recruitment
just got easier
Asian staff - Recruitment Agency

Are you hiring staff from Asia?

Take advantage of our additional services!

  • 1
    Accommodation and meals
    We will select an apartment, hostel, hostel. We organize the delivery of ready-made food or a subscription to the canteen.
  • 2
    We organize the delivery of employees by bus or car from their place of residence to their place of work.
  • 3
    Romanian courses
    We will select the best courses, full-time, online, group or individual.
  • 4
    We organize exams and obtain professional certificates
  • 5
    Work in Europe
    We organize the movement and registration of an employee to any country in Europe
  • 6
    Health care
    We organize regular check-ups or emergency assistance, insurance and other services.
Preparation of immigration formalities

Preparation of immigration formalities

From hiring Asians to preparing the necessary documentation for the legal employment of Asian workers and immigration formalities, we take responsibility.

We are constantly aware of the current legislation and maintain relations with the institutions of the Romanian state, as well as with the institutions of the state of residence. We obtain work permits, training equivalency certificates, ANOFM certificates, residence permits for work and long-term residence permits.

Assistance in asian staff adaptation

Help your new Filipino, Vietnamese, Indian, Sri Lankan, etc. employees to quickly join the team and adapt in a new country.
So you get the most out of them and productivity faster. We can organize courses in Romanian, English and other languages. It is also possible to attend professional courses and special classes in Romanian culture.
Assistance in staff adaptation
Legal support in recruiting Asian staff

Legal support in recruiting Asian staff

Every company, every business has its own nuances. We will help you understand all aspects of hiring and registering an employee, draw up a correct employment contract, and also tell you about all the nuances of Romanian legislation regarding foreign workers.

Our consultants keep track of all changes in legislation and are always up to date with the latest news in this area.

Benefits of working with us
Forget about staff turnover and downtime. Choose Asian workers and sign contracts for 1-5 years.
Time saving
No more posting vacancies, selecting resumes, and conducting interviews. Leave all your recruiting worries to us
Personnel leasing
Use the leasing service and do not register an employee in your company. Just sign a contract with our company.
Frequently Asked Questions
about recruiting asian workers
Contact us:
Call us or send a request and we will find
the right staff for you
Get advice by phone
004 0746 017 612
Mn - Fr 9:00-18:00
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