Recruitment of workers
from Pakistan

Examples of successful recruitment and implementation of employees from Pakistan in various business sectors

of workers
from Pakistan

Examples of successful selection
and implementation of employees
from Pakistan to various
business sectors
Work experience and references
We select Pakistani workers with proven work experience
of 1-3 years.
Pakistani workers in construction

Pakistani workers in construction

Pakistani workers are a good investment in your construction business.

Most often, these are unskilled laborers and auxiliary workers, but we also select experienced concrete workers, welders, masons, and so on. Pakistani workers are motivated to work in Europe due to better working conditions, including safety at the sites.

Pakistani employees in services, transport, trade and manufacturing

These employees are stable, they will be happy with long-term contracts, and you can forget about staff turnover for a long time.
Drivers, couriers, sellers, loaders, warehouse workers, sorters and assemblers - this is not the whole list of possible specialties. Employees with experience and references. Many of them speak English.
Pakistani employees in services, transport, trade and manufacturing

Staff from Pakistan

Tell us about your business, and we will offer you the right specialists!

Agricultural workers from Pakistan

Pakistan is an agro-industrial country. More than 40% of the country's population work in the agricultural sector of the economy.
Most of the workers from Pakistan are men, they are used to hard work on farms and fields, they have experience and the necessary skills. You can hire a Pakistani worker to care for animals, cultivate land, grow vegetables and cereals.
Agricultural workers from Pakistan
Pakistani staff in HoReCa

Pakistani staff in HoReCa

Many cafes and restaurants in Europe have already appreciated the benefits of workers from Pakistan.

They are hardworking, unassuming, accustomed to hard work. We will help you find kitchen workers, waiters, bartenders, cleaners, etc.

You can also consider leasing employees from Pakistan - for a season or several months.

Benefits for workers from Pakistan

Staff motivated for long-term contracts
English language
Many employees from Pakistan speak English
Hard work experience
These are mostly men, strong and strong. They are used to hard work.
Work experience abroad
Many Pakistani employees have already worked in Europe. They adapt easily
Easy adaptation
Most Pakistani employees do not experience any difficulties with adaptation
High motivation
Employees will make every effort to keep their job and extend the contract
Contact us:
Call us or send a request and we will find
the right staff for you
Get advice by phone
004 0746 017 612
Mn - Fr 9:00-18:00
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