Asian staff

Quality employees for a short time

Asian staff

Quality employees
for a short time
Asian staff - Recruitment Agency

Need an employee for a short time?
Without decoration?

Excellent, we will provide you with our employee for rent

What is staff leasing

Many companies experience staff shortages only during a certain season, from 2 to 5 months a year. For example, a farm needs more workers in the fall during the harvest. The restaurant hires additional waiters for the summer to work on the summer terrace. Or you have a new idea for a business and you want to "try" without signing contracts for 2-5 years.
In this case, staff leasing is the ideal solution for you.

You do not need to register an employee for work. It is already registered in our company. You don't have to pay him a salary. You pay for the service of our company, and we ourselves pay off the employee. You do not need to build employee motivation. If you do not like something, we will quickly replace the employee.

Staff leasing

Advantages of staff leasing

Cost reduction
You do not need to register an employee for work, pay taxes, pay vacation, sick leave, pay for the work of an accountant, HR manager, etc.
No paper formalities and reports on the registration of an employee. Just sign a contract with our recruitment agency.
Time saving
No more posting vacancies, selecting resumes, and conducting interviews. Just take an employee from us when you need one.
Asian staff - Recruitment Agency
Pay less
Hire an employee only for the time when he is really needed
Frequently Asked Questions
about recruiting asian workers
Contact us:
Call us or send a request and we will find
the right staff for you
Get advice by phone
004 0746 017 612
Mn - Fr 9:00-18:00
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