Asian personnel in various industries

Examples of successful selection and implementation of employees from Asia in various business sectors

Asian personnel
in various

Examples of successful selection
and implementation of employees
from Asia in various business sectors
Any specific, any business
We select personnel from Asia for a variety of companies operating in a variety of business areas
Сonstruction................ HoReCa ..............Agriculture
.................Warehouses .............Cleaning...........
Production..............Beauty and spa...........Babysitters

......Сonstruction............ HoReCa

......Agriculture ...............Warehouses

......Cleaning................... Production..

......Beauty and spa........Babysitters

Asian staff in Construction

Asian staff in Construction

Construction is an area in which employees are always needed.
We can find workers in a wide variety of specialties, from high-level project managers to unskilled laborers.
It can be masons, welders, blacksmiths, painters and so on.
You will be able to select a worker with more or less experience, view previous properties and get feedback.
Construction personnel from Asia is a really good investment in your business.

Asian staff in HoReCa

Recently, more and more Romanian restaurants are recruiting staff from Asia. Perhaps you have an Asian restaurant and need a chef? Or maybe you need waiters, bartenders, kitchen workers from Asia, who are famous for their hard work? In any case, we will comply with your request.
Employees are educated and experienced. In addition, many of them are creative and full of ideas masters who are in love with their work.

Restaurants, pizzerias, sushi bars, coffee shops, patisseries - this is an incomplete list of establishments that have successfully integrated Asian employees into their team.
Asian staff in HoReCa

Asian staff

Tell us about your business, and we will offer you the right specialists!

Asian staff in Agriculture

Today, more and more Romanian youth are leaving the countryside, choosing cities, jobs in IT, etc.
In this situation, hardworking workers from Asia, ready to sign a contract for 5 years - a real "idea in a million." You can forget about the constant search for employees and focus on business.
Asian tractor drivers, assemblers, workers in the fields, farms, and even gardeners - the selection of employees will now be our concern, not yours.
Given that the economy of Asian countries is based on agriculture, it will not be difficult to find trained experienced employees.
Asian staff in Agriculture
Production Asian personnel

Production Asian personnel

Asian manufacturing workers fit many business requirements: they are hardworking, learn quickly, come for at least 2-5 years.
Among the professions in demand are machine and equipment operators, tailors, assemblers, packers, laborers for plants and factories.

At the same time, we can recruit Asian staff with higher technical education and work experience.

Asian staff

Tell us about your business, and we will offer you the right specialists!
Asian staff in Cleaning

Asian staff in Cleaning

Perhaps you have a cleaning company, your own hotel or an office building - in any case, we will help you find quality staff for cleaning of any complexity. In many cases, these are employees with experience in the field.
Asian workers are modest but hardworking and attentive to detail. The integration of Asian staff will raise the standards of cleanliness in your premises to a new level.

Asian staff for Loaders and warehouse operators

Asian warehouse workers and loaders are a profitable business investment. By temperament, these employees are hardworking and calm, they are attentive to details and are able to perform repetitive actions.
You no longer need to worry that your movers did not come to work or damaged the goods. Asian workers are disciplined and tidy.
Asian staff for Loaders and warehouse operators
Asian staff for Beauty and Spa

Asian staff for Beauty and Spa

Masseurs, hairdressers, manicurists and pedicurists are common requests in this area. In addition, we can pick up masters of depilation, aromatherapy, bath attendants, etc. Many employees in this field are real masters, they love their job, they have creative ideas.
Bring Asian culture to your business, surprise your customers, because the Asian beauty industry has been developing for over 3000 years. which has a thousand-year history other beauty professionals - this is a small list of possible specialties.
Tell us about your business, and we will offer you the right specialists!

Other possible majors

Health care
Nurses, assistants, nurses - Asian employees are patient and nice. They are perfect for this job.
Nanny from Asia is a great choice. They are sweet, humble and hardworking. Many speak English.
Service station workers
Auto mechanics, mechanics and handymen - we will find exactly those who you need.
Garbage and recycling
This could be a recycling plant employee or waste sorting staff at landfills.
Delivery of goods and letters, on foot or by transport.
Animal care
Walking dogs, caring for animals, working in shelters and zoos
Frequently Asked Questions
about recruiting asian workers
Contact us:
Call us or send a request and we will find
the right staff for you
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004 0746 017 612
Mn - Fr 9:00-18:00
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